Before we tell you this tale of mistaken identity, it’s essential to note that we have no idea whether this story is true or not. It could be a case of being in the right (red) sweater at the wrong time (Black Friday). Or it could be totally made up, yet another stab at viral marketing fame and glory.
It’s worth noting that if the latter is true, however, Jeff From Target clearly knows what he’s doing, and should probably infiltrate an ad agency next, where they’ll be happy to have him.
Here Are the Details
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Jeff From Target/Twitter
In an occasionally NSFW thread on Twitter, 22-year-old photographer Jeff explains that he dropped by Target this Black Friday to pick up a copy of NBA2K18. Unfortunately — or maybe fortunately for us — he wore a red sweater and khakis for his excursion. He says this led a harried manager to mistake him for an employee, give him a “new team member” name badge, and put him to work scanning merchandise and answering customer questions.
Over the course of the next few hours, Jeff:
- Returned carts.
- Got denied for a break.
- Was yelled at by a customer for explaining that Fallout 5 doesn’t exist.
- Scanned a bunch of merchandise.
- Directed a customer to the baby aisle. (“200% sure I lied,” he said.)
- Recommended that a customer buy a Roomba.
- Mused to himself about whether or not he’d get paid.
- Left without notice.
His parting thoughts?
some notes to mention from my 2 hours employed at target:
1. dont be an ass to retail tonight please. they deserve better especially working during holiday
2. don’t wear red to target, especially on Thanksgiving/Black Friday— jeff from target (@ItsJeffLe) November 24, 2017
Whether his saga is true or not, we can all agree with those words of wisdom. Especially those folks who’ve done their time in the trenches of Black Friday retail.
Tell Us What You Think
Have you ever been mistaken for an employee while shopping? We want to hear from you. Tell us your story in the comments or come talk to us on Twitter.
Featured Image: Mike Mozart/Flickr
The post Need a Job? Wear a Red Sweater to Your Local Target on Black Friday appeared first on Career News.