A life without simple pleasures isn’t a life lived to its fullest, but if you always have dessert or put off your deadlines, you’re likely to regret it. This is why The Happiness Project author Gretchen Rubin warns against “The Fake Self-Actualization Loophole” — the justification many of us use to develop bad habits that impact our lives and careers.
In this week’s roundup, we look at her solution for avoiding this loophole, plus TED Talks that will inspire your career, and how to be productive when you’re unemployed.
Gretchen Rubin at LinkedIn: Do You Fall in the “You Only Live Once” Trap? Or, Fake Self-Actualization
“This loophole comes in disguise as an embrace of life or an acceptance of self, so that the failure to pursue a habit seems life-affirming—almost spiritual,” writes Rubin. “But for most of us, the real aim isn’t to enjoy a few pleasures right now, but to build habits that will make us happy over the long term. Sometimes, that means giving up something in the present, or demanding more from ourselves.”
How can we do that? With planning. Here’s Rubin’s advice.
Lolly Daskal at Inc: 7 Meaningful TED Talks That Will Inspire You to a New Purpose
“Many people have a passion to succeed but are still looking for their individual purpose, the thing that will give the highest meaning to their life and work,” Daskal writes. “If you are still looking, still curious, still seeking, TED has complied some great meaningful talks that can help you find your purpose.”
Selected talks include: Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling and How to Find Work You Love. See Daskal’s full list here.
Business Insider at Levo League: How To Schedule Your Day For Maximum Productivity When You’re Unemployed
One of the biggest challenges after losing your job is sticking to a schedule. The temptation to sleep late and waste time on the internet is strong — after all, you’ve just had a pretty big personal and professional setback. It’s easy to give yourself a pass and let the days slip by.
Of course, if you do that for too long, you probably won’t have much luck finding a new job. This sample schedule provides a productive alternative. You’ll note that there’s plenty of downtime scheduled in — but sticking to this or a similar plan will help you enjoy it.
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The post PayScale’s VIP Blog Roundup: YOLO No-No, or How to Avoid Fake Self-Actualization appeared first on Career News.